CPFH spring 2025-2026 Season Information
USAFH has posted NEW AGE GROUP CUT-OFFS for USAFH events. We will be following these guidelines for the spring season. These new guidelines align more closely to grade level We highly encourage all athletes to play in their grade level age group as long as they fit the requirements.
How to determine your age group for this spring season?
Your division is based on your age as of 8/1/2024...
U10: under age 10 as of 7/31/2024
U12: under age 12 as of 7/31/2024
U14: under age 14 as of 7/31/2024
U16: under age 16 as of 7/31/2024
U19: under age 19 as of 7/31/2024
Spring 2025 Season Player Registration Fees:
U10 - $275 *one practice a week
U12 National - $475 *one to two practices a week
U12 Elite, United, Training - $375 *one practice a week
U14 National - $525 *one to two team specific practices a week
U14 Elite - $475 *one to two team specific practices a week
U14 United & Training - $375 *one practice a week
U16/U19 National - $575 *one to two team specific practices a week
U16/U19 Elite - $525 *one to two team specific practices a week
U16/U19 United & Training - $400 *one practice a week
GK Training Fees for U16/U19 - $225
GK Training Fees for U14 - $175
GK Training Fees for U10/U12 - $125
**These fees do not include tournaments, Shooting Star Easter, Shooting Star Jamboree, RCCs, or NCCs
- "Regular" tournament fees will be $75
- RCC fee will be $150
- NCC fee will be $275 *Tentative until USAFH announces registration fees
- Shooting Start Easter and Jamboree will be $250
During registration (after try-outs) you will have the option to pay via a one time lump sum payment or can choose to break the registration fees up into 3 payments that will be due 3/21, 4/11, and 4/25.
Please note, if you accept a team sport and later decide to quit the team, the full spring registration is still due.
CPFH families help set up multiple fundraisers that are optional. If you choose to participate in a fundraiser, all funds you earn go to help offset your club fees, so fundraisers can benefit you directly.
Club Calendar:
Tryouts March 11th 6 to 9:30PM *registration opens 2/11
U10 6:00 to 7:00
U12 6 to 7:30
U14 6:00 to 8:00
U16 & U19 7:30 to 9:30
March 12th (Time and location TBD)
Practices Start: March 24th U14, U16, & U19 National Teams Only
Practices Start: March 31st for U10, U12, U14, U16, and U19
Easter Break: No Practices April 17th
Memorial Day: No Practices May 26th
SS Easter: April 18th-April 19th
U14 National, U16 National, U19 National
SS Jamboree: April 26th - 27th
U12 National, U16 Elite
U14 RCCs: 5/24 - 5/25
U16 RCCs: 5/17 - 5/18
U19 RCCs: 4/26 - 4/27
U14 JPOL CHAMPIONSHIPs: 6/7 or 6/8 @ Bryn Mawr
U19 JPOL CHAMPIONSHIPs: 6/8 @ St. Joe's
U14 NCCs: 6/24 - 6/26
U16 NCCs: 6/27 - 6/29
U19 NCCs: 6/30 - 7/2
Spring Season Ends Sunday, June 8th *Teams qualifying for NCCs will continue to practice through June
Age Group Team and Training Description
U10 Set Teams: Athletes must register for the tryouts in order to be considered for a set team. From tryouts the following groups will be formed: U10 Purple and U10 Lilac
Each team will have one practice per week (practices will include: skills and scrimmaging) and will have tournaments assigned to their team.
U10 Purple: Will play in 4 tournaments; estimated cost: $300
U10 Lilac: Will play in 3 tournaments; estimated cost: $225
U10 Training Group: Tryouts are not required for this group. Please register for the U10 spring training group if you'd like to train with CP this spring. The U10 training group will have 1 practice each week and will not participate in tournaments. This is a great way to continue to develop your outdoor skills.
U10 Purple Practices:
Tuesdays April 1st-June 3rd 5:30-7:00 at Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesday, April 2nd 5:00-6:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesday, May 7th and 28th 6:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
*Practices April 8th will be 6:00-7:30 @ The Splex
U10 Lilac Practices:
Tuesdays April 1st-June 3rd 5:30-7:00 at Yellow Breeches Sports Center
*Practices April 8th will be 6:00-7:30 @ The Splex
U10 Training Practices:
Tuesdays April 1st-June 3rd 5:30-7:00 at Yellow Breeches Sports Center
*Practices April 8th will be 6:00-7:30 @ The Splex
U12 Set Teams: Athletes must register for tryouts in order to be considered for a set team. From tryouts the following groups will be formed: U12 National Group, U12 Elite Group, and U12 United Group.
Each team will have at least one practice per week (practices will include: skills and scrimmaging which includes additional time for goal setting, recruitment preparation, game review, and notebook discussion) and will have tournaments assigned to their team.
U12 National Team: Will play in 4 local and regional 7 v 7 tournaments and Shooting Star Jamboree; estimated cost: $550
U12 Elite Team: Will participate in 4 local and regional 7 v 7 tournament; estimated cost: $300
U12 United Team: Will participate in 3 local 7 v 7 tournaments; estimated cost: $225
U12 Training Group: Tryouts are not required for this group. Please register for the U12 spring training group if you'd like to train with CP this spring. The U12 training group will have 1 practice each week and the ability to sign up for optional and available tournaments. This is a great way to continue to develop your outdoor skills.
U12 National Practices:
Wednesday, April 2nd 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Thursday, April 3rd 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesday, April 9th 5:00-7:00 @ The Splex
Wednesdays April 16th, 23rd, and 30th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Thursday, May 1st 6:00-8:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesdays May 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, & June 4th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Thursdays, May 8th and 29th, and June 5th 6:00-8:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
U12 Elite Practices:
Wednesday, April 2nd 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesday, April 9th 5:00-7:00 @ The Splex
Wednesdays April 16th- June 4th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
U12 United Practices:
Wednesday, April 2nd 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesday, April 9th 5:00-7:00 @ The Splex
Wednesdays April 16th-June 4th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
U14 Set Teams: Athletes must register for tryouts in order to be considered for a set team. From tryouts the following groups will be formed: U14 National Group, U14 Elite Group, and U14 United Group.
Each team will have at least one practice per week (practices will include: skills and scrimmaging which includes additional time for goal setting, recruitment preparation, game review, and notebook discussion) and will have tournaments assigned to their team.
U14 National Team: Will play in JPOL, Shooting Star Easter, RCCs, and NCCs upon qualifying; estimated cost: $700
U14 Elite Team: Will participate in JPOL and possibly a 7 v 7 tournament; estimated cost: $300 to 375
U14 United Team: Will participate in local 7 v 7 tournaments; estimated cost: $300
U14 Training Group: Tryouts are not required for this group. Please register for the U14 spring training group if you'd like to train with CP this spring. The U14 training group will have 1 practice each week and the ability to sign up for optional and available tournaments. This is a great way to continue to develop your outdoor skills.
U14 National Practices:
Tuesday, March 24th 6:00-8:30 @ The Nook
Tuesdays April 1st-June 3rd 6:30-8:30 at Dickinson College (JPOL/RCC Practice)
Wednesday 4/2 6:00-8:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
4/3, 4/14, 5/12, and 5/19 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Thursday 6/5 6:00-8:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
The National Team may also attend the ALL U14 practices on Wednesdays at these time and locations:
Wednesday, April 9th 7:00-9:00 @ The Splex
Wednesdays April 16th, 23rd, and 30th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesdays May 7th, 14th 21st, 28th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
U14 Elite Practices:
Wednesday, April 2nd 6:00-8:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Thursday, April 3rd 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesday, April 9th 7:00-9:00 @ The Splex
Wednesdays 23rd & 30th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Thursday, May 1st 6:00-8:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesdays May 7th & 28th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Thursdays, May 8th, 29th, and June 5th 6:00-8:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
The Elite Team may also attend the ALL U14 practices on Wednesdays at these time and locations:
Wednesday, April 9th 7:00-9:00 @ The Splex
Wednesdays April 16th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesdays 14th and 21st 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
U14 United Practices:
Wednesday, April 2nd 6:00-8:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Wednesday, April 9th 7:00-9:00 @ The Splex
Wednesdays April 16th-June 4th 5:00-7:00 @ Yellow Breeches Sports Center
Details coming soon!
Details coming soon!
Details coming soon!
All teams this spring will have their OWN TEAM ASSIGNED COACH. All 11 v 11 teams will have a head coach, assistant coach, and a volunteer coach. All 7 v 7 spring teams will have their own team assigned coach.
Following Tryouts your team invitation will also list who your team's assigned coach(s) will be...
U19 Team Coaches: Taylin Lehman, Kevin Bramble, Jason Brouse, and Curtis Sherk
U16 Team Coaches: Belinda Heltzel, Kim Waybright, Kelsey Heltzel, G, and Andy Wolfe
U14 Team Coaches: Tabi Kleese, Suzann Nicklow, Danae Hollenbaugh, Amanda Margelot, Syd Stupka, and Megan Wirrick
U12 Team Coaches: Tabi Kleese, Aubrey Clark and we are continuing to add qualified coaches
U10 Team Coaches: Amber Wanner and Jr. Coach Madi Fissel
U16 & U19 GK Coach: Andy Wolfe, Kevin Bramble, and we will continue to add qualified coaches
U10, U12, & U14 GK Coach: Eva Hancock, Joy Lippert, and Jr. Coach Liv Schweighart
CPFH Coach background and information will be posted on our new website soon
Outdoor practices will take place at Yellow Breeches Sports Center, Dickinson College, and The Splex:
Yellow Breeches Sports Center: 700 Shawnee Court, New Cumberland PA
Dickinson College: 217 N College St, Carlisle, PA 17013
The Splex: 200 Lambs Gap Rd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Outdoor practices start the week of March 31st *National Teams will start practicing on March 25th
*Please see the age group team and training description section above for exact practice times for each age group and team